Opportunity Brief

OKRs cannot be written with no resources on which they are based. One of the most common activities that need to precede an OKR drafting session is opportunity collection. During this process, the team and all stakeholders can submit opportunities they identified based on the overarching company or business unit strategy direction. This process can run in cycles aligned with the OKR cadence or be a continuous process, KANBAN-style, with a certain evaluation checkpoint preceding OKR drafting.
The goal of this process is to help the teams write tangible OKRs and to start planning opportunities that can be tackled in the next cycle.
To get the most value from this process, an Opportunity Brief template should be introduced in the organization to ensure that all needed information for opportunities evaluation is provided. The comprehensive template will help prioritize and disregard less promising opportunities. Another indirect benefit of this template is that it prevents stakeholders from coming up with impractical opportunities and sending them directly to the product team before analyzing them thoroughly.
Below, you can find an example filled out for the Uber incentive program. You can also download a clean template to use in your organization.
Download the Opportunity Brief
Download the Opportunity Brief