How to Create a Habit of Consistent OKR Check-in to Succeed

Let's talk about the specifics of OKR check-ins. These are the regular team OKR meetings where we make sure we are moving forward instead of just wasting time.
Setting objectives is a good move but unless you check on them regularly you are attempting to hit the target in the dark. Check-ins are vital for staying on track.

Why Bother with Regular Check-ins?

Let's break it down:
  1. Alignment on Steroids: No one will say "I thought someone else was taking care of that" if we are all on the same page through regular check-ins.
  2. Accountability That Packs a Punch: People work harder when they know they will have to report on their progress. That's just human nature.
  3. Problem-Spotting Superpowers: Early detection of small problems that could become big disasters; early warning system for trouble in projects.
  4. Agility Like a Ninja: The business world moves fast, check-ins allow you to change course quickly which maintains your competitiveness. You may have to make quick changes to your strategy in real-time, not hours after you have already crashed.
  5. Communication Central: Nothing else compares to face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) for finding the glitches and lighting the sparks of ideas. It is your team's watercooler moment, but instead of getting bored you are really productive.

The Playbook for Effective Check-ins

Now, how do you make these check-ins work? Here are the ideas:
  1. Stick to a Schedule Like Glue: Just make it a part of your routine. Choose a consistent weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly routine. Sticking with it is key.
  2. Come Prepared or Go Home: Nothing good is ever achieved without preparation. Bring proof of progress, ask questions, prepare for the session as if it is an exam.
  3. Structure is Your Friend: Keep the entire OKR meeting on the track, keep it relevant and finish it on time for productivity purposes.
  4. Open the Floor, But Don't Fall Through It: Create an environment in which the participants can contribute ideas without feeling intimidated.
  5. Eyes on the Prize: Dialogue about vision, not just rote work. We are here to bring about a paradigm shift to our objectives.
  6. Follow Through or Fall Behind: Document the action items you want to have completed and get them done. You signed up for the OKR meeting knowing that we will gain more from the ideas we put forward.

Overcoming the "But We're Too Busy" Syndrome

Let’s be real here. You are packing every second of your day with tasks and responsibilities. Meetings are so time-consuming.

The cold hard fact is that these check-ins are like the motor oil that keeps your OKR engine running. So, actually, the time will be coming and you will break down if you run without using the check-ins.
So what do you do to make time for check-ins if you are maxed out? Here are some suggestions to put into practice:
  1. Keep them Short and Sweet: Don't get stuck in details, throw it all out there. Sometimes, a quick 15-minute stand-up can do the trick.
  2. Rotate the Host: One person cannot be at work constantly. The team will still feel fresh if they take turns every day running the game.
  3. Batch Similar OKRs: A good practice to do is to meet with your team members at the same time to talk about the same things, for example, if you have similar OKRs.
  4. Celebrate Progress, Not Just Completion: The easiest way to go through a hard time is to take many small steps at the time. Leave some space for being happy when you identify progress points. Consequently, everyone will be motivated and will overcome the obstacle.

The Check-in Checklist

To make your check-ins as effective as possible, run through this checklist:
  • Are we making progress on our Key Results?

  • What obstacles are we facing?

  • Are our OKRs still aligned with our overall strategy?

  • What support does the team need to succeed?

  • What have we learned since our last check-in?
Remember, these aren't just boxes to tick - they're prompts for meaningful discussion.

The Bottom Line

OKRs that are not being rewarded by check-ins are like a sports team that never practices together - you may have natural ability yet you won't win any competitions. Regular check-ins ensure that you remain focused and responsible. They enable you to turn your OKRs from a nice-to-have into a results-driving machine.

And here's my closing thought to share: The most successful teams that you should learn from are not those who created the best plan but who actually did it, changed it, and kept at it. The regular OKR check-ins supply you with the skeleton plan for this kind of activity.

Now set out and do OKR check-ins! Your targets are waiting for you, and those outcomes aren't going to be achieved on their own. Let's turn those OKRs from fancy acronyms into real, tangible success!